Gunung Ledang National Park was established in 2005 & standing at the height of 1267m above sea level. It is also known as Mount Ophir & it is the highest peak in Johor.
Okay, for me this is considered a real test after 6 months of experiencing Malaysia mountain terrains. As usual, before any hike i have heaps of butterflies in my stomach.
Signed up with #SGTREK for the day-trip. We assembled on Friday late evening & reached the visitor's center on 30 Jun morning. As part of the regulations required, all hikers is required to register themselves & also declare the belongings that was brought up. We started ascending before 8am cos its a rather long way up. There's a board where it shows area of the national park & the trails with legends accompanied with quotes to either educate or inspire someone.
Most national parks reserves in Malaysia has signages that tells you which Checkpoint (CP) location & which height you're at.
From an optimistic point of view, it gives certain encouragement. Otherwise, the brain is starting to play this most of the time:
I must say, Gunung Ledang did not disappoint. Trail wise is challenging enough as you need to keep your eyes & touch senses alert to step on the right places in order not to slip & fall. There are many species in the rain forest, one of the humongous millipede i've saw during the hike (Slide to the right).
Soon, we hiked 3/4 of the trail & reached the KFC: Killer Fitness Centre. This is one of the tough route. We have to use the ropes to haul ourselves up. My face screams 'TIRED + SHAG' 🤣
Nearing to the summit, it's series of makeshift metallic ladders, with ropes or some steep boulders climb.
Total ascend took us about 5.5 hours to reach the summit as by the time we reached the summit its about 1:30pm. The weather was not too sunny & thick clouds could be seen looming over the mountain.
After some photo taking, we started to make our descend off the mountain which was another 4-5 hours down. By then, my feet aches & muscles were screaming for rests.
By the time we saw starting stone stairways to the bottom of the mountain, SO SO RELIEVE!
The hike took a total almost 10 hours in total. It is certainly the most exhaustive day hike i've experienced. Of course, this isn't the toughest but for a rookie it's an achievement.
Quick-clean up, we headed off for food. Most comfort food of the day:
Kentucky Fried Chicken! The most familiar KFC we known of. Day time FKC vs After Workout KFC certainly brings some motivation.

By the time we were done with food, it was already late evening, nice halo!

To hike Gunung Ledang, ensure that you had went through several hikes in Malaysia mountains to prepare yourself for a long duration hike especially areas you need to climb up with ropes. It was fun, but certainly not for someone that ain't prepared. For all these number of day hikes, preparing for something bigger & fun 🤪
Till the next post! 🤘🏽🤘🏽